Sacred Music Sunday: Dona Nobis Pacem

paper cutouts on a gray surface
Photo by Artem Podrez on

I had planned to write a Lenten music post because Ash Wednesday is coming up this week. However, with the recent Russian attack on Ukraine, I felt the need to choose a different piece of sacred music for the week.

I first became acquainted with Dona Nobis Pacem when I was in college. Shortly after 9/11, the university choir was asked to perform it, so we learned it in a single rehearsal. It’s a simple and lovely tune with a text drawn from the Agnus Dei section of the mass. It translates to “grant us peace”.


Trudy is a legal professional living in the southwestern US. She has three cats who allow her to live in their house in exchange for a steady supply of food and treats.

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3 Responses

  1. AdelaHope says:

    Grant us peace, indeed. Thank you for this, Trudy, it’s perfect

  2. Sara says:

    I remember first hearing this song years ago on MASH and have loved it ever since. It seems so appropriate now.

  3. Kaylee says:

    One of my kids learned this song in school. I was thinking of it on the drive home from church today. So perfect for today.

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