Category: women


Peter, Paul, and Mary

Posted by Zenaida At the recent Exponent retreat, the keynote speaker gave a presentation on the following verses of Paul’s epistles: 1 Tim. 2 11 Let the woman learn in asilence with all subjection....


Question Authority

By Jana (Based on a post from my soloblog) This weekend I scraped off the tattered bumper stickers from our car (Another Family for Peace, Live Simply so Others May Simply Live, and Just...


Exponent Classics: Womanliness

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we’ll be posting some of our favorite pieces each Sunday from the Woman’s Exponent, the first regularly published newspaper for members of the Relief Society written by the sisters...


Mistress of History

by mraynes I once had a boyfriend who told me that women have no history outside of their husbands and children.  I was a young history major at the time and was only just...


Guest Post: Turning the hearts of the children

Guest Post by StarFoxy I did not grow up in a feminist household. My parents (read: Dad) are strict conservatives, and would likely even call themselves anti-feminist. But while my Dad doesn’t call himself...


The Note I Wrote

NB: This is my first post as a member of the Exponent blog. I appreciate the opportunity to share this experience. by Alisa A few months back, my mom’s ward had an Enrichment night...