Category: women


There’s Something About Martha

About twice a year, I indulge in a little secret and guilty pleasure. I buy a Martha Stewart Living magazine. That means twice a year I actually have the desire to own an ice...


A visit with Cordelia

The other week, my mother called me. “Do you think we can go and visit Cordelia? I talked with her the other day, and I think she’s very lonely. Maybe we can go out...


Virtual Oases

Here are a few links that fed my soul this week. My neighborhood nuns had their garden blessed (enjoy the slide show) Dialogue has upgraded their website. More info here. Tracy beautifully restored an...


Exponent II Classics: Woman’s Exponent Revisited: Lost Women

Exponent II, Vol. II, No.2, December 1975 Woman’s Exponent Revisited: Lost Women (from Woman’s Exponent, 15 September 1876) —————– Lost Women We commend the following thoughts to the public– “Has it ever occurred to you what a...


Surviving Mother’s Day

By Heather Happy belated Mother’s Day to all you moms out there and to all of you who mother people you may or may not have given birth to. Mother’s Day is one of...


Just Say No

Society has never taken kindly to assertive (uppity?) women. Assertiveness is a trait that is often socialized out because a woman’s “no” has the ability to stop male power right in its tracks. Most...